Showing posts with label As Citizen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label As Citizen. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

Gift of Life: Blood Donation as Act of Gratitude

Gift of Life: Blood Donation as Act of Gratitude

Let’s be real.. many people, like myself, fear needles and the sight of blood. This trypanophobia can be a significant barrier to donating. Others worry about the pain or potential side effects, such as fainting or feeling unwell afterwards or worst is their body may not produce enough blood for themselves. Some believe it can weaken them or cause long-term health issues. Others fear the risk of infection. 

With our age, we continuously challenging ourselves not only to benefit our own but to gain heaven points. Haha! If you reads the Bible in John 15:13

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." This verse highlights the ultimate expression of love and self-sacrifice, which can be seen as analogous to donating blood to save others' lives.

Blood represents life, and it is not only great but holy to give a part of yourself to someone in need. Donating blood is a heroic act that makes a significant difference in the lives of many.

This is the real reason why my husband and I donates blood. It provides a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from helping others and fosters a sense of community and love to others. We also used blood donations to show our gratefulness to ALMIGHTY for giving us the gift of life not only for us but also for lives of our family and friends. 

So, face your fears, and become a BLOOD HERO. Save heaven points too. 🙏🤗

#BeReal #RealTalk #Fear  #faceyourfears #BloodDonation #RedCrossSingapore  #punggol #healthyhabits #blood 

Monday, February 26, 2024

Spreading Smiles & Good Vibes: My Volunteering Journey with Team Nila

I first met a Team Nila volunteer when I deployed for Temasek’s Mask Distribution. She was so cheerful and energetic on answering questions and handing out masks. That same day, I signed up to volunteer with Team Nila. Yes! I want that vibe too! Wink-wink! 

Spreading Smiles & Good Vibes: My Volunteering Journey with Team Nila
Spreading Smiles & Good Vibes: My Volunteering Journey with Team Nila

My first assignment with Team Nila was at Hougang Swimming Complex. What did I do? I answered questions from the public and counted the visitors at the pool that day. Sound boring? Not at all! I had a great time chatting with the aunties and uncles there. I asked about their lives, why they chose to swim instead of taking a walk in the park, and how often they visit the complex. One aunty even invited me for coffee. Haha! It was so much fun connecting with them! I loved that moment and will never forget it!

After that, I took on different roles at different events. I have so much fun that I always have new stories to share with my husband when I get home after volunteering.

Team Nila - 2024 Appreciation Day

Then one day, Team Nila sent us a survey. While answering the questions, I felt a sense of comfort and peace of mind. My main reason for volunteering was to spend my spare time doing good, but I didn't realize how much it helped me mentally and emotionally. Volunteering is not just a pastime for me; it's a way for me to make friends and see life from others' perspectives. It's a way for me to grow as a person.

I always tell my friends that I'm at a point in my life where I'm saving "goodness points," and volunteering is my way of saving more! Whether it's brightening someone's day, putting a smile on their face, or simply making a new friend, every moment spent with Team Nila adds value to my life.

Thank you, Team Nila. You're not just helping the community; you're also helping your volunteers! Yo! Nila!

Spreading Smiles & Good Vibes My Volunteering Journey with Team Nila - 2023 Bronze Awardee
Team Nila - 2024 Bronze Awardee 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


26 years ago my mom and her church group organized to visit and hold a short program for the elederly at Golden Acres (Home For The Aged). That experience is still fresh on my mind. How happy the seniors when we brought food and supplies for them. I heard some of their stories how they end up in the facility it is heartbreaking.

When I joined Lingap-Kapatid Group on my college days we went to far to reached places (that actually needs a boat) to facilitate medical missions.

It is pretty elusive in Philippines to search for groups that I can volunteer my time that is why I am so delighted to know that volunteering community here in Singapore is lively and accessible. 

1. Abbey is fond of plants that is why volunteering with ComCrop in collaboration wits Starbucks. We were tasked to build a plot, plant seeds and transferring some seedlings.

2. Mother-in-law is fighting a Stage 4 cancer that time and to say “thank you” to organisations helping her in California Abbey pledged himself to join a “bald move” and we gathered monetary donations from friends and colleagues for Children’s Cancer Foundation.

3. Singapore is a clean and green country and it curious me when Guardians of Mother Earth organized a cleanup drive on the sands of Pasir Ris Beach. Learned that many plastic and styrofoam granules were there waiting for us to be picked up. That day, the group collected 300kgs of trash.
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Guardians of Mother Earth
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Guardians of Mother Earth

4. There are no small or big events and it is very understandable that organisations also looking for people to do behind the scenes. I volunteered to be a goodie bag packer with Singapore Children’s Society.
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Singapore Childrens Society
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Singapore Childrens Society

5. SAFRA intitated Entrepreneur’s Marketplace for people to discover local/unique products by social enterprises here in Singapore. That day, we were stationed at registration and giving away goodie bags.
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Safra Entrepreneurs Marketplace
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Safra Entrepreneurs Marketplace 

6. We know how powerful the blockchain technology and how it will disrupt some businesses and we volunteer in organization of events with NEM Foundation. 

7. Doctors Without Borders called for people to attend their Missing Maps Mapathon 2018 and gladly that I have participated this event as it open a new perspective for me how the other people live their lives. 
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Doctors Without Borders
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Doctors Without Borders

8. SGTech contacted us via Facebook to help them share on our DIY Travel Singapore group their programmes and workshops. It is not a tedious task because all we need to do is share it our Facebook Page and group. I went for extra mile by sending links through private messages to people that might be help their businesses.

9. From time to time, Abbey and I were invited by friends who were affiliated with  Philippine Embassy to advise Filipino helpers on how they will handle their finances. 

10. Kebun Bahru Community Club is rolling out vaccination for eldery people and we were grateful to be part of it. We were tasked to help the seniors with their vaccination registration and appointment.

11. 2021 I am starting to learn data analysis and I messaged one of my friends here in Singapore if I can render my service on their company Peak Resonance. 

12. Early March 2022 Omicron is spreading in Singapore and Temasek Foundation called for volunteers to help them on medical grade mask distribution.
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Temasek Foundation
How LIVELY & EASY to be a VOLUNTEER in SINGAPORE_Temasek Foundation

13. Lately, I raised my hand to help gather the nomination details for #ConnectedWomen Singapore’s on the Most Influential Sinagporean Women on LinkedIn 2022.

14. I am active with She Loves Data. I am assigned member in Global Operations which facilitates the needs of different chapters and Signature Programs for their zoom meetings and webinars. 

15.From time to time we call ourselves a Blood Hero Volunteer. Yes, we already do blood donations with Red Cross Singapore. Give Blood Saves Lives ;) 

So what’s with us giving away our time and efforts for free? Well, we got the chance to meet and spend time with people that have a same interest like helping the needy, same values in taking care of environment and same wavelength to propagate knowledge about certain topics (e.g. blockchain/data). 

If you haven’t tried to volunteer, check-out, the website already curated organization that are looking for volunteers. Go Volunteers! Spread love and be a channel of blessings! 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Singapore on Foot : Rediscovering Little Red Dot

This is my 10th year here in Singapore and I will confess that I didn’t YET visited all places of interest here in Little Red Dot! Like the famous murals... just visited it last month. (You can watch our less than 2minute clip at this link.) 

But I am proud to say that my husband and I completed the 36KM route of NParks Coast-to-Coast trails. That was last 2019. 

This year most of the leisurely activities were closed for months (COVID era) and for us to seize the moment we have tried to visit the parks, Sembawang, Waterway, Punggol Park, Sungei Buloh, Fort Canning to Marina Bay and longest walk/run for this year that we have done is from Upper Serangoon to Merlion Park which is 13.18km. 


Truly, you can explore Singapore by foot with an ease. They have a dedicated pathways for pedestrians and some of it are well covered either by the trees, buildings or by roofed walkways. You can download apps like Singapore Maps for you to pre-plan your trails. What is more rewarding? Strava and Health 365 which gives badges and vouchers respectively. 

Oh! We are all waiting for the LumiHealth app. LumiHealth is a partnership between Apple and Singapore’s Health Promotion Board to encourage the Singapore residents to be active and achieve a good night sleep. The benefit? eVouchers worth up to S$380.

Singapore is all known to be a city-state which only has 725.7 km2 and kuddos to NParks for their initiative to their Park Connectors Projects and Health Promotion Board for the health initiative apps.

Monday, April 1, 2019

NEM Blockchain on International Trade Business

In shipping a cargo there are many people involve to send your shipment from point A to point B. And when I say many, it means a lot. From supplier, common carriers, insurance companies, banks, governments, and do not negate the power of force majeure. 

The more parties getting their hand on your documents, the more it is prone to unforseen mishaps. 

Although World Customs Organization is pushing to be paperless, it is inevitable to use papers. And until now, shipping business is still not fully implementing it. Why? This is to provide authenticity on the original documents. And going digital can’t solve it until now. 

Blockchain technology is one of the answer to this. Actually not only on that tons of authenticity problem but also on payments and automation. 

For me that can’t write a single code, I will imply my idea to NEM Technology. Why NEM? Because it has built-in features in its wallet. Built-in!

Here’s the problem we will be solving. 
1. Authenticity of your Documents 
2. Tracking of your shipment
3. Payments

Steps how to solve that: 
1. Download your NEM Wallet here! And announce on your website that all NEM authenticated documents will only be from that NEM account/address. 
2. Apostille(notarize) documents that you will release for the shipment (Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoices, Packing List, Insurance Certificate, or even Certificate of Origin)
3. Create your own coin to serve as a payment on that transaction. This can replace your Letter of Credit. 
4. Create a multisignature account for every key people involved and every step you want to track. 
-for example: the haulier picked-up the cargo from the supplier’s warehouse. The supplier will sign on the multisignature account and it will signal the movement of the cargo. 

NEM Blockchain on International Trade Business
NEM Blockchain on International Trade Business 

NEM Blockchain on International Trade Business
Security of Multisignature

When the last signatory signed on the account and it showed as the job was done, all payments will automatically be released to the different accounts to be paid off. 

If you want to expound more about this, please do message the NEM Foundation at NEM Helpdesk

NEM Blockchain is a good technology! Take advantage of it. Be Wise! Use NEM! Buy XEM! 
And Happy 4th Birthday NEM :)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Integrity in the Midst of Instability

Blockchain/bitcoin was built entirely because of Satoshi Nakamoto's frustration in our banking system and the society that evolves on it. Now that his advocacy is a wild craze, people from all walks of life are jumping in to join the party. Yes all! Even the bad guys!

Last week, Coincheck was compromised and hit the record-high hack for the blockchain industry. Cryptonauts expected that there will be chaos and another massive suicide watch list but Coincheck surprised them all with their decision. Koichiro Wada announced early this week that they will pay off the platform users who were affected by that incident. That is the first time in the entire history of blockchain that someone stood up to return their missing coins. That's integrity! Thanks Coincheck.

Then we go to questioning NEM's decision.

Aren't you tired to obey rules and laws? Tired of banks asking you question why are you withdrawing your chunk of savings or just a mere scenario of teller asking what is your source of income when depositing a huge amount. Well, this is for them to comply in many regulations they need to follow as bank. The banks do not want to be tagged as non-compliant or accepting funds from illicit businesses.

Imagine, a good neighbourhood was attacked by an intruder, forced to take one of your valuables and settled in one of the nearby houses. What are you going to do? Nothing? Really?

No! It is either all the villagers will march to the occupied house and take their valuables again, or just remember that address and intruder's face and never help or do business with him.

transparent, safe, secure and compliant ecosystem of NEM

I saw that NEM proves that blockchain can build a transparent, safe, secure and a compliant ecosystem. That move from NEM (flagged the address and taint those hacked XEMs) is not only to comply on laws and clamors of its members and stakeholders but it is a moral obligation for its community.

Now, because of tainted XEMs no one wants to get involved with the hacker’s address. Why? It will affect the POI (Proof of Importance) of Nano wallet addresses who will do transactions with it.
Transparency solves the problems in preventing the dirty money (AML/CTF) to get involved in this new technology. Good job NEM! 

Coincheck thanks for the integrity in this business. Thank you both for making this blockchain world a better place

Love my write-up? Here is my NEM Wallet Address: 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mga pagbabago sa Bagong Barrio (Caloocan City)

"Ma, hindi sa tinataboy ko kayo. Wag na kayo umuwi dito sa bahay kung gagabihin kayo." Yan! Yan! Ang sabi ni tatay nung nagbakasyon kami nung nakaraang April ngayong taon. Bakit nya nasabi yun? Sobrang gulo na sa lugar namin.

Ang tatay at nanay ko ay masasabing isa sa mga 'pioneer' sa bagong barrio. Nagsimula silang manirahan duon ng wala pang tubig, walang ilaw at walang sementadong kalsada. Naalala ko pa ang kwento ng nanay ko, naglalako daw sya ng isda at kulay pula ang putik pag umuulan. Sila ang mga sinaunang tao ng Bagong Barrio. Kaya talagang masasabi ko na nakita nila ang lahat ng pagbabago. Mga di kanais-nais na mga pagbabago. Ako?, dun ako pinanganak at lumaki. Nakita ko ang pag-unlad hindi lng ng aming iskinita kundi kabuan ng lugar. Pati pag-usbong masasamang bisyo.

Oo, droga ang tinutukoy ko. Madaming nabiktima yan. Di lang mga kababata ko kundi pati mismong mga kalahi ko.

Nanakawan kami ng kamag-anak namin na gumagamit para lang sa droga. Sapatos ang  unang natira nuon. Tapos cellphone. Naalala ko nung binitbit ng tatay ko ang isa kong pinsan papuntang baranggay dahil kinuha nya ang cellphone ng ate ko. Sa amin na yung gamit, pero dahil kailangan mo yuon, hahanapin mo ung pinagbenthan at bibilhin mo pabalik. Ang saklap diba? Kung kami nakukuhanan ng gamit what more ang mismong sambahay nila?

May masaklap pa dyan. Ung mga sobrang lulong at mga taong nakapaltos ng mga pinagbentahan. Magugulat ka na lng sa mga takbuhan sa kalye at putok ng baril. May nakabulagta na ng duguan. At ano ang sasabihin ng mga taong nakapaligid? "Malamang hindi nakapag-remit ng pera kaya tinumba." Halos nasanay na nga ang mga taga 'New Village' sa linggo-linggo barilan at saksakan. Mismong nga pulis takot sa mga gang. Di makaalma. Naku lalo sa may Mariano Ponce. As young as 13, sangkot na sa droga.

Nung nanalo pa lang si Duterte ang mga kilala namin na lantaran na nagtutulak biglang nagtago na. Araw-araw ang raid sa mga isknita. Wala ng sugalan at inuman sa bawat kanto. Yung mga padisplay-display na 'wanted' ng batas, ayun nakakulong na. Alas-diyes ng gabi wala ng batang paslit ang nagiingay sa labas. Wala ng balahaw ng maiingay na videoke na hanggang umaga.

Ito pa pala! Nung si Pres. Arroyo ang nakaupo, ang mga drug addicts nun ay biglang naging alcholic na lang, haha! Bakit? Ang reklamo nila sobra na daw mahal ng shabu. Ewan ko bat nung si NoyNoy na eh pati highschool ay biglang naging mga addict. Parang candy na lang sya na nabibili. Tama lng na pagtuunan ng pansin muna ang demand side. Kung walang demand, bakit nga ba sila mag-susupply? Nice tactic Pres Digong!

Nakita namin ang pagbabago, simula pagkapanalo hanggang ngayon sa pagupo ni Duterte.

Kaya sa mga media at mayayaman na nakatira sa condominium at de-guardia na subdivision, try nyo manirahan sa lugar namin para ma-appreciate nyo ang mga nagagawa ng bagong Presidente. Tignan nyo mabuti yung sinasabi nyong extra-judicial killings ngayon. Marami ng napapatay nuon pa dahil sa droga dahil once in dyan, wala ng labasan.

From ThinkingPinoy.Net Facebook Page
Dito namin nasabi na "Pwede pa pala magbago". Na pinagtutunan din pala ng gobyerno ang problema ng mga mahihirap na lugar. Na may pag-asa pa pala ang bansang Pilipinas at ang mga Pilipino. Ngayon wala ng for "publicity sake". Lahat nagtatrabaho ang bawat sector ng gobyerno para sa tunay na pagbabago.

We are writing a history in here. Be part of it! (Imbes na ngawa kayo ng ngawa.) For a drug free, corrupt free and self-sustainable Philippines! Mabuhay ang Pilipino! Sama-sama tayo na maiahon ang ating bansa!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Hindi si DUTERTE ang Sagot

Tama ang sinasabi na paulit-ulit ni Mayor Duterte sa kanyang mga speech na kahit na umupo sya ng 10 taon sa pagka-presidente at walang naniniwala at susunod sa kanya eh walang mangyayari padin sa bansang Pilipinas.

Ano-ano ba ang mga dapat baguhin sa ating mga Pilipino?
1. Sense of entitlement. Ito yung dapat iahon ako sa kahirapan ng binoto kong presidente HABANG ikaw eh nakaupo lamang at ni ayaw maghanap ng pwedeng pagkakakitaan. Ikaw na BATUGAN.

2. Pag-galang sa batas. Sus, wala namang pulis pwede na dyan tumawid o i-beat mo ang red light wala naman nanghuhuli. Alamin at sundin ang batas.

3. Mahalin ang kapaligiran. Ang simpleng pagtapon na lng ng balat ng kendi. Susmio! Pwede bang ibulsa nyo na muna kung walang makitang basurahan, sa mga lalake pwede bang wag iinom ng madami kung alam mong walang kang cr na pwede datnan..tapos iihi sa pader ng may pader (not cool bro), sa mga dura ng dura, sa mga naninigarilyo pakiusap ayaw po nmin malanghap ang usok na binubuga ninyo.

4. Respeto sa ibang tao. Nawala na sa atin ung pagiging magalang sa babae at matanda. Bakit nawala ang malasakit natin sa mga kabataan?

5. Ibigin ang ating bansa. Tumutugtog na ang pambansang awit, sige pa din ang lakad. Ano ba ang turo sa atin sa GMRC nuon? Diba?!

Nung unang salta ko sa customs. Sabi ko ako ang simula ng pagbabago. Di ako maglalagay. Ayun! Ang import documents ko, nakatunganga sa Port of Manila simula umaga hanggang lunchbreak dahil walang nakaipit na P20.00. Ang sabi ko trabaho nman nila yun, bakit kailangan pa silang lagyan para mabilis ang proseso. Walang nangyari at naglagay pa din ako. Nilamon ako ng sistema at nawalan na ako ng pag-asa sa pagbabago na pangarap ko.

Ngayon, andito ako sa "pangarap" kong sistema ng Customs. Walang lagayan, walang anomalya. Pangarap kong maging tulad ng Sinagpore Customs ang Bureau of Customs ng Pinas.

Nakausap ko ang ibang mga kaibigan. Takot at ayaw ng mga taga-Customs kay Duterte. Alam nyo na kung bakit.

Dapat talaga hindi ito ang title ng blogpost na ito, hehe! Para lang makuha ang attention ninyo. (Effective naman diba?)

Di natin kailangan ng isang senador o senadora na magaling gumawa ng batas. Kailangan natin ng tagapag-patupad ng batas. Ang totoong kailangan na natin ay isang leader na may kamay na bakal na magpapasunod simula sa maliit hanggang sa malakaking tao sa Pilipinas. Di natin kailangan ang isang tao na anak/apo ng dating presidente na di mapaliwang san napunta ang mga pondo ng gobyerno. Nasubukan na natin halos lahat ng klase ng tao bilang mamuno sa atin. Andyan na ang may bahay, abogado, militar, ekonomista, anak ng dating presidente at pati artista pinatos na natin. Ngayon, subukan naman natin ang isang tao na naghahangad ng kapayapaan at susubok na maghilom ng sugat sa hidwaan ng gobyerno at NPA at mga kapatid natin sa Mindanao.

Pag nahalal si Manong Digong, humanda tayong lahat sa isang malaking pagbabago. Maraming aaray dahil sa mga itutuwid na baluktot na daan at sistema na ang akala natin ay "pwede na". Suportahan natin sya sa mga panukala nya. Gawin muna natin bago magreklamo.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!!! Halina't sama-sama tayo sa inaasam nating pagbabago!!!