Showing posts with label Effective Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effective Diet. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

1500 CALORIE BURN CHALLENGE IN 3 DAYS | Exercise, Workouts, HIIT, and Food | Lose Weight in 3 Days

Actually I am aiming to challenge Shane, Abbey and Chat to lose 10,000 calories in a day but when I told that idea to Abbey, he frantically rejected the idea. He suggested to a thousand. But to make it challenging I raised the bar to 1,500 calories. 

My usual calories for an hour of exercise is 200. On that, I need to exercise almost 8 hours to achieve it. OMG! (Ano ba itong pinasok ko?) haha. On the first and second day, I am sad to say that I didin’t achieve it. My mind is literally cursing me for that decision haha. But on the third day and las hurrah of the Burn 1,500 calorie challenge! I fnally did it! Haha. 

From morning, Abbey and I ran/walk for about 10km just to achieve around 400. Direct from that first activity we went to the gym and burned around 600 there. Third activity is burpees and 10min walk exercise at the balcony that made reached the 1,500. 

That is F*** hard! But I really do lose weight on that burn 1500 calories challenge. Will I do it again? Yes! I will. Maybe one weekend in 2021. This is a good challenge for you and your friends this coming new year. JUST DO IT!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Who loves diet?... More accurately, Who LOVES One Meal a Day (OMAD Diet)?

I am a full time housewife for the second time since Abbey and I get married. And because of that and the COVID-19 safety restrictions here Singapore, we didn’t reached our step, movement and exercise goals. So we totally ditched out the idea of exercising even at our balcony for a month. 

Last week of May, I noticed that I am getting fatter and fatter. I felt that walking is already a chore! So I decided to have a one-hour exercise EVERY DAY. But 2 weeks past, no improvement! SH*T! As they say 20% exercise 80% kitchen. I targeted the kitchen then. 

Since I failed on a 7-day waster fasting, I told Abbey that it will be easier for me if we do the One Meal a Day Diet. He approved and to make it more fun, I asked my friends too! Haha! Damay-damay na to! 

Our One Meal A Day (OMAD DIET) have a twist. Instead of 23:1 we will need to be fasted for 24hours and 1 hour eating window. 
*No Rice 
*No Softdrinks 
*No Chips 
For seven (7) days! 

All the days of the week, I felt fine except 3rd day. Maybe that is the time when my body is looking where to get sugars. I felt what I have felt on my 30th hour of water fasting. Chills all over the body, headache and want to vomit. I was about to give-up but I know I will be the GREATEST LOSER if I’ll accept my own defeat. So I still proceed. 4th day, nah! My body coped up and my brain surrendered in persuading me to stop. Ha! 

After the OMAD 7 Day Challenge, I lost 1.5 inch of waistline. My thighs become smaller and I feel lighter now. Feel cleaner inside. 

Oh! While in that 7-Day OMAD, we only got a chance to exercise for 5 days. Jog and some HIIT thingy. 
My hubby and friends are happy for this kind of experience. Actually they are up now for more challenges like this! Yeahbah! A good bonding for all of us. 

As you have heard on the video. Abbey told me that he wants OMAD as our lifestyle now. So I hope, I will achieve the body we are eyeing to! 

Good luck on your OMAD. Watch the video to see our joy, struggles and tips for you. 

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