Tuesday, September 1, 2020

This is SPARTA! I am a SPARTAN!

2020 is a year of uncertainty. I left my job and the weirdest thing all I want is to stay safe at home with my husband.
On my spare time last May, I took some free courses from IBM, YouTube and Udemy. Well, I just don’t want to waste my time on nonsense.
While waiting at the bus stop, I stumbled on SPARTA. With no hesitations, I registered right there and then and immediately finished my existing courses for me to start my journey to SPARTA.
Why I focus on SPARTA?
This year 2020, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) announced that there’s shortage of highly skilled professionals of 38-40 million and to address this problem, they launced the Project DARE (Data Analytics Raising Employment). Responding in to that concern, the Philippines, lead by DOST (Department of Sciece and Technology) developed the SPARTA (Smarter Philippines Through R&D, Training and Adoption) program.
DOST partners with Development Academy of the Philippines, Analytics Association of the Philippines and CourseBank targeting 30,000 scholars not only to be trained but also intends to retain and provide jobs for the scholars.
Yes! DOST! To be part of Philippines’ DOST is a prestigious moment for me.

Getting Grounded on Analytics
Getting Grounded on Analytics
Essential Excel Skills for Data Preparation and Analysis

Dashboards and Drill-Down Analytics
Dashboards and Drill-Down Analytics
Do not be fooled with the course. It is DOST. As scholars, you are expected to give the best out of you. It reminds me of my college days (professors giving the introduction but they are expecting that you will give the full report by next day), it gives me sleepless nights and I am exhausting all resources. As in all, not only internet but also the knowledge from my friends, nephews and nieces. It is challenging and exciting. Thrilling! My brain is churning! Woootwooot!
I finished three subjects as of now and can’t wait to finish the whole program. 🙂 Imagine, your classmates now are your future colleagues after graduating.
Mabuhay SPARTA Scholars!

Friday, August 28, 2020

Your Vision Must Be Bigger Than Your Job!

I once managed a team of men. Yes men! All were men. And not just only men, but all are Licensed Customs Broker in Philippines. Each of us have different companies to supervise and be held accounted for but never did I know that there’s a standard in managing a project or stakeholders.

As I have stumbled upon PMI, well, not PMI colleges that we know in Philippines but PMI (Project Management Institute) - the world’s leading association for project, program or portfolio management. This 50+ year old organization built the standard, tools, resources and even community to give certifications for professionals in management industry.
So why I have chosen to take their Project Management for Beginners? Well of course, this is a good way for me to be exposed on bits of information in importance, influence and role of Project Manager. That will be a good knowledge once I get on board on future company.
Why act as a simple employee if you can contribute your knowledge in project/program management? :)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Who loves diet?... More accurately, Who LOVES One Meal a Day (OMAD Diet)?

I am a full time housewife for the second time since Abbey and I get married. And because of that and the COVID-19 safety restrictions here Singapore, we didn’t reached our step, movement and exercise goals. So we totally ditched out the idea of exercising even at our balcony for a month. 

Last week of May, I noticed that I am getting fatter and fatter. I felt that walking is already a chore! So I decided to have a one-hour exercise EVERY DAY. But 2 weeks past, no improvement! SH*T! As they say 20% exercise 80% kitchen. I targeted the kitchen then. 

Since I failed on a 7-day waster fasting, I told Abbey that it will be easier for me if we do the One Meal a Day Diet. He approved and to make it more fun, I asked my friends too! Haha! Damay-damay na to! 

Our One Meal A Day (OMAD DIET) have a twist. Instead of 23:1 we will need to be fasted for 24hours and 1 hour eating window. 
*No Rice 
*No Softdrinks 
*No Chips 
For seven (7) days! 

All the days of the week, I felt fine except 3rd day. Maybe that is the time when my body is looking where to get sugars. I felt what I have felt on my 30th hour of water fasting. Chills all over the body, headache and want to vomit. I was about to give-up but I know I will be the GREATEST LOSER if I’ll accept my own defeat. So I still proceed. 4th day, nah! My body coped up and my brain surrendered in persuading me to stop. Ha! 

After the OMAD 7 Day Challenge, I lost 1.5 inch of waistline. My thighs become smaller and I feel lighter now. Feel cleaner inside. 

Oh! While in that 7-Day OMAD, we only got a chance to exercise for 5 days. Jog and some HIIT thingy. 
My hubby and friends are happy for this kind of experience. Actually they are up now for more challenges like this! Yeahbah! A good bonding for all of us. 

As you have heard on the video. Abbey told me that he wants OMAD as our lifestyle now. So I hope, I will achieve the body we are eyeing to! 

Good luck on your OMAD. Watch the video to see our joy, struggles and tips for you. 

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