Are you sure that you do not have cellulite? To check it for yourself, look onto your thigh, the more prone area in developing this cellulite, do you see dimple-like on your skin?, no?, try to pinch it.
As I examined last month I was at the stage grade 2 ( No visible cellulite when lying down or standing. An orange peel texture can be seen when the skin is pinched.) and the reaction from my family was, you are so slim to have that, well even thin women are not exempted to this.
Gladly, Abbey won and received a package from Nip & Fab Cellulite Fix. I used it daily after my bath in the morning. The gel is not sticky and no irritating or hot feeling once I applied. The tube lasts for a month, it costs $29.90 and available on their website and Watsons.
In a very busy day, I do not need to workout so much to lessen the fatty bumps. ;) Thanks Nip + Fab Singapore.