Showing posts with label Qualities of a Good Husband. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Qualities of a Good Husband. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Cherishing Memories: Abbey’s 40th Birthday Surprise with Global Letters and Videos

While listening to heartfelt testimonials during my brother's wake, I couldn't help but wish he had heard those kind words when he was still with us. This realization struck me profoundly. So, on Abbey’s 40th birthday, I reached out to his loved ones, urging them to share not only birthday greetings but also their most cherished memories with him.

Cherishing Memories: Abbey’s 40th Birthday Surprise with Global Letters and Videos

Letters poured in from the US, Australia, the Philippines, and locally here in Singapore. Heartfelt videos followed suit. I witnessed Abbey's joy as he received the first letter from Kring, the elation from the initial videos sent by Joemina and Tres, and the overwhelming love conveyed by friends and family. I even captured the moment tears rolled down his cheeks as he read love letters from his siblings. It became clear that this was a gift he would truly cherish.

Thank you, everyone, for sharing messages of love, kindness, and life's greetings with Abbey. We both deeply appreciate the time and effort you invested. May the joy you've sent return to you tenfold. We look forward to seeing you all soon!

You can watch the video here:

Saturday, May 1, 2021


In my previous post, you have read how we want our wedding to be simple, intimate and on the budget. Now, on our 10th year we celebrated it privately, just me and Abbey. 

How private? We didn’t even tell this to our family and closest to the close friends. Haha. We planned to explore other part of the world but due to the travel restrictions we were pushed to booked a room hotel, bought a ring, shop for clothes and ordered a in-room dining. 

We facilitated what are some lacking on our wedding gala (Except for releasing doves) Abbey and I toast a wine and cut a cake. Well in style. Wotttwotttt We have saved funds for the whole 2020 for this event and we have the guilt-free splurging for our 10th year. 

Remember, it is not how people think about you and your married life. It is about how you and your spouse communicate and learn to understand and provide each other’s needs and wants. 

Yiheeee. Love you my forever Abbey!!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Is your wedding PERFECT? Well, ours is not!

We will be celebrating our 10th year anniversary soon and while watching our video it suddenly hit my mind that our wedding is not perfect. 

I hate big gatherings and I am quite thrifty in spending money which is a good combination in arranging an intimate event. Haha! But do you know that we crossed our budget even if we all planned it to be simple as possible? Our budget is only Php100k but I am surprised the expenditure went up to 300k. Whew! Take note that the extra 200k is not from debt. 

It seems that it is easy to arrange a wedding but is really not. Many people are involved and for sure many unsolicited ideas will pop up and if you do not want stress you need to let go of some and just focus on the wedding ceremony details. 

Watch our wedding video here

Okay so let’s go back to the subject of this blog, why my wedding is not perfect? Well the ceremony which I really focused on what I want to have and not is absolutely superb. Some ceremonies like cake cutting, wine tossing and even releasing of doves were not executed. And the reason? Well, all of the materials are there but it seems the day is too lengthy for me and Abbey and we just want to finish the event for us to start our life as a married couple. 

Well, our wedding might not be perfect to the eyes of people but I am proudly to say that our marriage is.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Qualities of a Good Husband (Do I deserve love?)

In this COVID-19 situation, it gives me more time to think, be more grateful and conscious on everything I have now. While reminiscing Abbey's second wedding proposal, a sudden spark of idea flashes. 

Abbey's SECOND Wedding Proposal | All plans were scrapped due to Singapore's Circuit Breaker

I want to blog the things that my husband continues to do that makes me fall in love over and over. 
1. He greets me good morning with a hug. 
2. He prepares my packed lunch. 
3. He always kiss me goodbye and always remind me to take care and double check my job. 
4. On my lunchtime, he will send me texts asking how’s my food. 
5. He sends me flowers. 
6. He sends snacks whenever I feel unwell. 
7. He calls just to sigh off his anxieties. 
8. Rings my phone just to say he misses me. 
9. He asks how’s my day. 
10. He is always there to help in household chores. 
11. He cooks yummy food! 
12. He is so “malambing”. 
13. So silly! 
14. Loves to snuggle. 
15. He watches my favourite series with me. 
16. Always aim for a good health.
17. Adds and upgrades skills. 
18. Loves his job. 
19. He loves my family too. 
20. He respects my opinions. 
21. He compromises.
22. Supportive on my passions and decisions. 
23. Trustworthy. 
24. A good provider. 
25. Always loves me. 

For 9 years of marriage, I am still in euphoria. I am still questioning myself, how a monstrous and broken lady deserves a man like Abbey. Almost everyday I will stare at him and can’t believe that I have him and I have this blessed life. The fortress I built for my own suddenly became a paradise for both for me and Abbey. 

Yes! Good men still exist because I married one of them. 

9 years is just a breeze! This easy, fun and blessed married life is not because of me and Abbey alone. It is because of the prayers of people supporting this union. 

Indeed! Happy Ever After do exists! ;) 
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