Thursday, February 20, 2014

Money Can't Buy

Yes money can buy happiness. Now money can buy almost everything. Oh, even falling in love can be influenced by money.

But after my insanely awesome mother-in-law died, I just realized that time is one of the things money can't buy.

Do you know the feeling that your back is against the wall. No space to move, no other options to take but to wait and pray? In Mama Vangie's last minute I am just wishing that I bought a ticket back to Philippines a day earlier. In that my husband can hug and kiss her until her last breath. That we have more time to spend with her.

I know she understands us why we work here in Singapore but our heart is still longing for her, that we wish we can spend more minutes with her.

And on that event, we decided to work hard and invest harder. We want to go back in Philippines earlier than our targeted year of retirement. We want to see all our loved ones, we want to maximize all the seconds with them. We are hoping this plan will prosper... In His time.

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