Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Working From Home: The New Normal

As the Singapore Circuit breaker will end on June 1, some of the employees may still be given the opportunity to work from home (well like my husband). But do you know that many companies still prefer to their employees to go to the office every working day even during Circuit Breaker period. 

Reasons why companies can't adopt the NEW NORM: 
     1. Companies are lacking of business continuity plan. Company is not standardised. All information and systems needed to effectively run the business remotely is not present for management nor workers. 

     2. Productivity. The employees were not trusted that they will do their jobs efficiently if the nobody overlooks them. 

I know, there are pros and cons on working from home but many people (based on survey) prefers to continue telecommuting because they find it more productive and they have more time to spend with their family. 

So if you are one of the employees who were advised by their companies to continue working from home, be glad and grateful. It means that your company have an effective infrastructure to support this kind of arrangement and they fully trust that you can deploy and you have established trust to deliver your work efficiently.

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