Thursday, May 7, 2020

Qualities of a Good Husband (Do I deserve love?)

In this COVID-19 situation, it gives me more time to think, be more grateful and conscious on everything I have now. While reminiscing Abbey's second wedding proposal, a sudden spark of idea flashes. 

Abbey's SECOND Wedding Proposal | All plans were scrapped due to Singapore's Circuit Breaker

I want to blog the things that my husband continues to do that makes me fall in love over and over. 
1. He greets me good morning with a hug. 
2. He prepares my packed lunch. 
3. He always kiss me goodbye and always remind me to take care and double check my job. 
4. On my lunchtime, he will send me texts asking how’s my food. 
5. He sends me flowers. 
6. He sends snacks whenever I feel unwell. 
7. He calls just to sigh off his anxieties. 
8. Rings my phone just to say he misses me. 
9. He asks how’s my day. 
10. He is always there to help in household chores. 
11. He cooks yummy food! 
12. He is so “malambing”. 
13. So silly! 
14. Loves to snuggle. 
15. He watches my favourite series with me. 
16. Always aim for a good health.
17. Adds and upgrades skills. 
18. Loves his job. 
19. He loves my family too. 
20. He respects my opinions. 
21. He compromises.
22. Supportive on my passions and decisions. 
23. Trustworthy. 
24. A good provider. 
25. Always loves me. 

For 9 years of marriage, I am still in euphoria. I am still questioning myself, how a monstrous and broken lady deserves a man like Abbey. Almost everyday I will stare at him and can’t believe that I have him and I have this blessed life. The fortress I built for my own suddenly became a paradise for both for me and Abbey. 

Yes! Good men still exist because I married one of them. 

9 years is just a breeze! This easy, fun and blessed married life is not because of me and Abbey alone. It is because of the prayers of people supporting this union. 

Indeed! Happy Ever After do exists! ;) 

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